Meeting Minutes

Meeting 12/7

Attendance: Fred, Perry, Liana, Sophia, Nicole, Shivangi

Late: Fred

Absent: Pragya

Hot Chocolate Study Break:

-Thursday Dec. 11th.

1:30: Nicole and Liana (setup) ----buy 4 cartons of hot chocolate

2-3: Shivangi, Sophia

3-4: Hassan and Fred

Perry: help with cleanup

Sophia: reserve the Stud from 2-4 pm (tonight)

Liana: send out hot chocolate/snowflake study break and survey email (12/10 night)

Pragya: buy 2 bags of mini-marshmallows and regular marshmallows (12/9 night)

Nicole: make fb event page (tonight)


-Ed said the sweatpants will come in before finals, which is unlikely

Ideas for Reflection:

-Have snowflake event for reflection

-Bring white paper to hot chocolate event and collect snowflakes with memories written on them

-Write anything: something you’ve overcome, a happy memory, anything you’d like

-You can keep them or give them to Class Council

Liana: add lake/beach trip to survey

*Contact people who have ideas and explain reasoning and have an open discussion with them

Pragya: contact Phoebe (tonight)

-Tell her about our reasoning about Phoebe’s Memorial

    -Explain that it might be upsetting to people who attended previous memorials and are still in the grieving process

    -Talk about our idea and how we incorporated the snowflakes into the event

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meeting 11/16

Attendance: Liana, Sophia, Shivangi, Nicole, Pragya, Hassan, Perry

Unexcused Absence: Fred


-We are not accepting any more cash orders

Pragya: give Techcash excel forms by Monday morning (11/16)

Hassan: send email to people whose TechCash bounces and haven’t paid cash (11/16 night)

Movie event:

-100 tickets online are sold out

-The rest will be sold at the booths in the next few days

  1. Always bring charged laptop, tickets, and posters to each shift
  2. Count 100 tickets and put them on the side
  3. Count 7 more tickets and put them on the side (for us!)
  4. Put poster of desk to make it look pretty
  5. Do your shift, write everyone’s name and did they pay (of course they did, they hd to)
  6. Give them a ticket if they bought online and their name is on the form
  7. Keep track of how many tickets sold
  8. Take 107 tickets + remaining tickets, cash, and posters and give to Pragya at the end of the 4 pm shift in McCormick
  9. Next day: pick everything up from Pragya the next day

***Must pick up tickets***

Leave for movie theater at 7.

Two people near the door wearing MIT gear and having a laptop

Perry and Fred manning the theater door

Sophia and Hassan are at the movie entrance

Shivangi saves 8 seats in the second rafter middle

*****NOTE: RESPOND TO LIANA. She shouldn’t have to communicate with us through 4 mediums


Meeting 11/11/14

*Leave MIT at 7 pm for the movie

*You have to come with your ticket, no exceptions’

Sophia: Repost on class council page where and when we are collecting money for sweatpant orders, make the size chart the picture (Today)

Pragya: Have AdmitOne set up by this Thursday/Friday-100 tickets

Fred: Get tickets from Anish (tonight)


Fred: 2-2:30 pm Monday

Liana: 2:30-4 pm Monday

Fred: 2-4 pm Tuesday

Nicole: 2-3 Wednesday

Hassan: 2:30 -4 pm Wednesday

Pragya: 3-4 pm Wednesday

Nicole: 2-2:30 pm Thursday

Fred: 2:30-3:30 pm Thursday

Hassan: 3:30 - 4 pm Thursday


Meeting 10/19

Attendance: Liana, Shivangi, Sophia, Nicole, Fred, Pragya, Perry, Hassan

Movie Update:

-Contacted Vinnie, but no response as of yet.

Pragya: Contact Vinnie again (Tuesday night)

Make-A-Wish Update:

-Light show on Killian Court

-All money that is collected from Make-A-Wish fiber optics will be donated to the organization

Council Retreat Update

-Thursday night 8-10 pm (Is 8.01 test the same time?)

-If you can’t make it, try to get connected to the 2018s who have your position

Ring Comm:

-November 9th is the first study break

-Ring Premiere is February 13th and 14th is sales day


Hassan: Talk to Dunkin Donuts (Tuesday night)


Sophia: Email Ed (tonight)

-Photoshoot at the next meeting

Next Meeting clashes with Parent’s Weekend

*Everyone invite 10 people to Facebook group by next meeting (250 by this Sunday)


Meeting 10/12

Attendance: Liana, Shivangi, Nicole, Hassan, Fred, Pragya, Chris

UCG Meeting:

Shivangi discussed UGC meeting with Laura

Ideas for Food:


-Insomnia Cookies

-Bolocco’s Mini Burritos

Do something halloween themed:

    -Apple cider (packets or pre-made)

    -Four boxes of hot chocolate from Dunkin Donuts

    -Vanilla Ice Cream

    -Three pies-3 each

Date: 10/29

Time: 8-9 pm

Location: Stud

*Fred and Shivangi email Laura with plan (Fall-Themed) and ask her how to book the Stud (Tonight)

*Fred and Shivangi make food plan (Tuesday night)

*Send Antoine Graham Haskin’s contact info and Kickass Cupcakes-Liana (Tonight)

*Pragya call Vinnie (Tuesday night)

*Nicole create Class Council Page (Tuesday night)

*Shivangi,Pragya, and Perry update class council page (Tuesday night)

*EVERYONE make Class Council T-shirt (next Sunday)


Meeting 9/28

Attendance: Shivangi, Fred, Hassan, Pragya, Nicole, Sophia

Late: Perry

Excused Absence: Liana


-UGC has been contacted and meeting will be set up

-Harvard/MIT mixer proposal was made by Fred


Perry: has food been approved? what about vegetarian food? by tonight (9/28)

    send pub email to 2A by Tuesday (9/30)

    send reimbursements for BBQ to Pragya by tonight (9/28)

Fred: post an open question survey for Raytheon by tonight (9/28)

Pragya: meet with Anirudh Sailesh by Thursday at the latest (10/2)

Sophia: send email to 67s about publicizing on the screens in the infinite by tonight (9/28)

    check on virtual ems for reserving the infinite by tonight (9/28)

    make poster for Swanson event by tonight (9/28)

Hassan: add facebook link to emal to send out to class by tonight (9/28)

send this email to Liana and tell her to wait to send it out to the class until Anish  and Joanne have been confirmed by tonight (9/28)

call Anish and Joanne to confirm about pubbing by tonight (9/28)

Shivangi: contact sophomore class council about mixer

Everyone: come up with two questions to plant at the Raytheon event by Tuesday (9/31)

        invite everyone at MIT to event by tonight (9/28)

fill out whenisgood for retreat!! (ASAP)

-After this week we should take a small break from throwing events

Harvard/MIT mixer:

-The Lift is charging to secure venue and pays for drinks (non-alcoholic)

-The List covers all costs by making money on tickets so we won’t have to spend money

Pragya called Naga and did not get a response

Fred will meet with The List and Harvard

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9/14 Meeting

Tailgate Review:

-Good number of people came (yay!)

-Food was completely finished, so that was a decent amount

-Problems in publicity:

    -Is facebook the best way to publicize an event?

-Have multiple contacts for each email group so people don’t get spammed by the  same person

-Flyers in the infinite

-Good enough to do Head of the Charles? (let’s not)

->Fred: send receipts for publicity by Wednesday (9/17) to Pragya

    do a writeup of the tailgate by Sunday (9/21)

Food Truck Event:

-Good publicity

-Be in front with tables at 2:15 pm

-Pragya: contact Nikki Effenberger by Wednesday (9/17) about Frozen Hoagies payment


-Food: $8.50 a head for meat for 100 people

-Make facebook group

-Talk to Lauren about marketting

-> Perry: Call and ask for vegetarian price by Wednesday (9/17)

    Send email to Course 2a administrator by Wednesday (9/17)

-> Pragya: Email Anirudh Sailesh by tonight (9/14) about UA funding

-> Fred: write an acknowledgement to the COOP on the football tailgate page tonight (9/14)

    send email about Raytheon to Course 16 and 2 by Wednesday (9/17)

    send Raytheon email to Perry by Monday (9/15)

-> Nicole: make Raytheon event facebook page tonight (9/14)

->Hassan: contact other class presidents about publicizing for Raytheon by Wednesday (9/17)


-> Liana: email UGC person by Tuesday (9/16)


-> Pragya: email Vinny about early screening for Avengers or Hunger Games by Sunday (9/21)


Meeting: 8/28/14


Activity Fair: 8/29 2:30-4:30 pm


3:30-4: FRED, LIANA

Food Truck Event: 9/19 3-6 pm in front of McCormick Bus Loop

Pragya is handling Cookie Monstah payment

Anish is paying for Frozen Hoagies

Joanne is handling Clover payment

Pragya- please email anish by tomorrow at noon addressing how we should split the payment-- send two checks or us pay then have them deposit into our account

*This is right after the career fair, so please plan to attend early and come work the food truck after because we are assuming a flood of people

Sweat pants: 

Send out survey for sweat pant preferences

Timeline- set price:

release form with due date:

survey for elastic on bottom/ 2017 down leg or not    tomorrow at noon FRED

Tailgate: 9/13 12-1 pm

game? September 13 12pm-1pm

location? Student Center steps (13th)  Kresge Lawn (25th) in front of z center is central (must be booked)

how much time before game?  (1 hr or 2 hr before the game with music/food)


hassan-- form registration

-Frisbees,Volleyball, Face paint, tattoos, necklaces, oriental trading (Liana)

Raytheon Event: 10/5/14 3-5 pm

Has Location definitely been booked by the '67s

Attendance: ~150+

Food: Bolocco?

No admission charge



-Discuss with Shivangi how to edit website, minutes need to be posted at noon (8/29)

-Form Registration for tailgate event

Sophia: Please make a calendar accessible to council by noon today (8/29)

Pragya: Please email Anish by noon today (8/29) addressing how to split the payment-send two checks or us pay then have them deposit into our account


-Survey for sweatpants: elastic or no elastic and location of words by noon today (8/29)

-Ask Preston for speakers for tailgate

Perry: research on food for tailgate by midnight (8/29)


-Contact MIT Police; Carol Vossmer for tailgate

-Look at oriental trading for tailgate items


-Send out email with deadlines and reminders

-Discuss with Hassan (8/29)

-Update Google calendar after it is posted


Things we really need to discuss: Soccom, RingCom Study Break,


Meeting: 3/9/14

Attendance: Liana, Pragya, Larkin, Nicole, Hassan, Sophia, (Jesus and Adam :) )


Spring Formal:

Lia Coleman is on decorations committee

Nicole contacted Chris Welch - he can do photoboothish thing

Contact soccom photography interested people - they can take informal pics of the night

Hyatt is booked! - Pragya, Joel and Liana are meeting 3/10 to discuss payment


Food Committee:

Charlie and Pragya heads

550 of 3 appetizers or 6 of 275

Veggie/vegan option, gluten free, Kosher

We can bring cupcakes - bake or buy?

Get in contact with local places and explore possibility of baking


Decorations Committee:

Larkin and Sophia

10 low tables with chairs and 10 high tables - decorate tables

Props for photobooth


Entertainment Committee:


Adam Slakter - interested in DJing - Adam might have equipment - need help carrying

Make a list of possible performers and timeline


Publicity Committee:

Nicole and Fred

Print out copies of poster to give out at Lobby 10

Lobby 10 is booked for ticket sales

Poster goes up on 13th March - start inviting people to FB page on this day

Slip invitations underneath doors - is this a good idea?

13th and 14th March hand-out posters outside of big lectures e.g. 6.01, 5.111 - printed by Wed

100 posters to each council - 4 per page - 25 pages total and then cut up


Social Committee meeting - Thursday 13th March 7.30                           



Liana will get pied!


Tasks for this week:

1. Hassan - Class council website, contact performance groups and DJs

2. Larkin and Sophia plan decorations

3. Charlie - plan food for the event

4. Nicole and Fred - plan publicity

5. Liana - organize soccom meeting